Sunday, October 6, 2013


The only way we'll ever stand
Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous
Lord, make us courageous

Seek justice
Love mercy
Walk humbly with your God

These lyrics are from "Courageous" written by Casting Crowns.

I know this song was originally written for the movie Courageous and mainly focuses on getting men to step up and become courageous men of God. Yet, every time I hear this song. This part of the song always jumps out at me.

We are being called to come to God on our knees with our hands held out waiting for his call. Whether be keeping the accounts balanced, greeting guest, or working with all the campers who come to camp. But, it could also be a calling of go to India and serve along side others who are helping women get back on their feet, or leaving the comforts of the known routine into the unknown of what God has for you and keeping you on your toes to be able to grow, trust and, like the song says, walk humbly with your God.

As Christians that is something we are all striving for is to be courageous; by stepping out of our comfort zones to show others the love of Christ and to share the Grace we freely accepted when we understood what Christ did for us over 2000 years ago. We may not always be welcomed with open arms, but that is when we need to continually go to God praying for those around us and continually be the light in the darkness.

In thinking about the light in the darkness I think of what is happening around the world and all the Christians around the world who have to hide and meet in secret. They still go out and spread the word to others in their countries. To me that is courageous. They can be beaten, ridicule, or even worse killed, but because their hearts are so on fire for God they will do whatever it takes to grow God’s church. That is something we should be doing more of. If you haven’t read Frances Chan’s book, Crazy Love, I would highly recommend it. He shares about people in his life who are super crazy in love for God and shares some of their life journeys and what God has done in their lives. There are many parts in the book that will convict you. Yes, I threw the book across my room several times while reading the book. Other parts will inspire you. All in all, I see this as a book that captures the needing to be courageous and seeking justice, showing love, mercy, and grace, and walking humbly with God.

As this fall season continues, I know I look forward to all the challenges God puts on my plate and seeking what God has in stored for me after this fall season and awaits for me when I head back to the east coast.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Teamwork in ministry

1 Cor. 12

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

As I contemplated on where to focus this article, all week I kept getting the word "Wait". I didn't understand why I was being told to wait on writing this, but I just let it sit staring back at me and I became more and more frustrated about what I was going to focus on.

Today (Sunday April 28th) I had it hit me why I needed to wait. Through a phone conversation with my mom and dad it hit me. All of chapter 12 of 1st Corinthians really helps define how teamwork in ministry go hand in hand. So, the verse above is a small focus of how we are all empowered by God to be one body with many parts to do his ministry and all working together to grow the church.

So, when thinking about teamwork in ministry it includes everyone who works together on the day-to-day bases, but it also encompasses everyone who supports us outside of camp life. 

With the internal team we all are given different gifts that help support each other in our daily jobs, and if we did not have our different roles to play the operations would not function the way they do. Also, with working with each other on a daily bases we better understand each other, and can be there for each through thick and thin. As I think back to the Focus meeting and how important communication plays a huge role in keeping everyone connected. Then we are able to come together to support each other and help carry the yoke. With the different gifts God has given us we can step in when we are needed to be more of a support and step back when someone else needs to step in and be more of the strong support and still be a support on the side.

Also, through the support of our friends, family, church family and supporters of camp, we each gain our individual base structure to help us. This happens through their prayers, thoughts, moral, and some maybe financial support. They may personally not see this as being a team member, but I personally believe they make up a huge part of a larger team in ministry. Even by just having one person on the outside looking in on what you do daily they sometimes can see the picture more clear than we can and have a different view on things. Their advice just maybe the thing that can helps us out. God uses them in those moments when we most need it. Sometimes we may not catch it right then and there, but when you look back on it afterwards all you can say is, Thank you God for putting them there when I needed that extra push.

so, my prayer for our team as that we keep supporting each other as we serve as tall as our trees, and share in the ministry God has given us here at Alliance. Also, that we remember to keep those who support us included with what has been happening so they know how to be praying for us. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

South Africa

Well, Where to begin.

I'm in my second season here at Alliance. I'm still working as a naturalist and loving every minute of it. One of the exciting things that I will get to part take in this year is going to South Africa and serve there for a month at Camp South Africa (CSA). There are four naturalist going from Alliance.

We leave in Nov. and will be back in Dec. Here is our support letter that we have sent out asking for support through prayer and financial.

Dear friends and family,

Hello from California!  I hope all is well for you and I trust that the Lord is providing for you faithfully!  I just finished my first season here at Alliance Redwoods, and I’m having a great summer.  The Lord continues to faithfully guide and direct me and I am excited for what is in store!

I have the opportunity to participate in this missions opportunity:

Alliance Redwoods Conference Grounds has been running a camp since 2002 for the poorest of the poor in Cape Town, South Africa with the following aim: to establish a temporary community that provides:

·       Hope to the children of the "Lost Generation" by introducing them to Jesus Christ through camping ministries.
·       Healing by providing programs that would serve to change the lives of children spiritually and socially.
·       Unity by bringing together children of all South African ethnic, cultural and language.
·       Partnerships by collaborating with other Christian camps and organizations in South Africa with the goal of offering relevant training and cultural exchange programs.

Specifically, I will be gone from November 16 - December 14, 2012 to minister with several others from Spring Hills Community Church in Santa Rosa, CA and Alliance Redwoods, at various locations in the Western Cape, South Africa. I will be sharing a cabin and leading devotions for a group of about 7 to 10 junior high and high school age campers.  The first week will be training and developing relationships with the street and squatter township kids and inviting them to camp, along with working out the logistics.  During camp, I will then be a counselor, help lead worship and activities, and generally help where needed.

This is an exciting new ministry and I need your prayer and financial support.  Please, please pray for us!  We will need God’s strength, wisdom, and protection. The cost will be $1,900 for the entire Program, which includes travel, food and lodging.  Please don’t feel financially obligated to support us.  We would ask, however, that you prayerfully consider what your part may be in this whole process and be obedient to that.

We are extremely excited about what the Lord will do in us, through us and around us!  Thank you for your love and support.  If you have further questions, feel free to contact me.

Sincerely in Christ,

Victoria Thompson

In order to receive a tax-deductible receipt, make your check payable to Alliance Redwoods and write CSA12 and on the memo line:

This will ensure your gift is designated for this particular trip. This gift is non-refundable, and if for any reason a team member or team does not go, or more money than the required amount is raised, the money will be used to support future Camp South Africa ministries sponsored by Alliance Redwoods.

If you have any questions related to Camp South Africa, please feel to contact the CSA Director:
Mervyn Coetzee at 1800 576 2509 ext.139 or email him at:

For more information checkout:


Saturday, February 18, 2012


So much has happened in the time I started here at Alliance. I observed how some of the classes are ran here, then the next week I had a group of students who I taught while being observed by returning naturalist. Had my first outing in my car since being here. Learn their high ropes and the rescue bag (then pushed myself way out of my comfort zone with traveling over to the extreme side of the high ropes). Then I ended up being a life example of an emergency take down when I was coming back from the extreme side of the ropes course, it may of been scary and (personally for me) embarrassing at the time, but I pushed myself and grew from the experience.

I also have had the oppertunity to learned more about the camp they support in South Africa. I'm praying about whether or not I feel God is leading to apply to possibly have the oppertunity to be one of the team members who could go to South Africa.

Now this coming week will be the first week that I will be teaching students on my own. I'm nervious about it, but with the training we recieved and the notes and time talking about what they observed I feel like I'm ready. Fingers cross.

End of Training/ ACROS/ Exams

Well, training weeks are now offically over. Kidos will be coming to our grounds soon. Makes me a nervous wreck. Within these three weeks we learned pretty much everything that we need to know, plus more for the schools who will come to our grounds. I'm ready to get my feet wet and start teaching again. This will be so different then T-lee. Students are here for a week, so we will get to know them better and see many of them step out of their comfort zone and grow.

This past weekend we went to a conference called ACROS. It is a christian based organization that was created for those who teach outdoor ed. It was a fun weekend. The first seminar I attend was about why it is important for outdoor ed to be around. So, many students really enjoy getting to go to camp to have hands on learning. The second seminar was about classroom management. Many of the things mentioned during this seminar they do here. The third seminar I went to was about adding creative writing time to the week. I was really good. Seeing some of the students writings from the speakers camp were awesome. Then he gave us a chance to go out and spend 10 minutes to reflect and write. He gives his students a minimum of 30 mins to do this. The final seminar was on team building. That was fun, because we actually did a couple of team building activities.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Well two weeks of training are now complete. Next week is our last week. Time is flying here. Also, the rains have come back to the area. It's been a crazy two days of rain and there are about 4 more days of rain predicted before a break. I honestly believe that we have had the amount of rain we would get back home in a year here in 2 days. The little creek outside our house is like a rushing river. Crazy.

So, back onto training. We have learned a number of there rope elements, and a bunch of the classes. My favorite class we learned so far is orienteering. Though, this was my favorite class to teach back at T-lee. In the ropes elements we've learn so far I really like the pinata.